The COS SSC works in partnership with science affiliated student organizations to provide educational opportunities and professional skills to COS students. Joining a student organization is a great way to make connections, develop lifelong friendships, and form skills that can be translated into a resumé. Below are some notable COS student organizations; additional organizations can be found through Rowdylink.
American Chemical Society (ACS) Student Chapter
UTSA's ACS Student Chapter stimulates interest and exposes students to practical contemporary chemistry related activities.
UTSA ACS Student Chapter ACS Student Chapter RowdyLink
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Student Chapter
The UTSA ASBMB Student Chapter promotes student success in the fields of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
UTSA ASBMB Student Chapter ASBMB Student Chapter RowdyLink
American Society for Microbiology (ASM) at UTSA
The ASM at UTSA strives to bring awareness to the importance of microbiology in academic and healthcare settings.
Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) Biological Honor Society
The Nu Chi Chapter of Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) Biological Honor Society is an honor society for undergraduates in the biological sciences.
Chemistry Graduate Student Organization (CGSO) Student Chapter
The purpose of the UTSA CGSO Student Chapter is to enrich the academic and personal experiences of graduate students.
UTSA CGSO Student Chapter CGSO Student Chapter RowdyLink
College of Sciences Student Council
The COS Student Council advocates for the betterment of students, with the goal of improving the learning and social environment of COS students.
COS Student Council COS Student Council RowdyLink
Epsilon Omega Chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon
The Epsilon Omega Chapter of Sigma Gamma Epsilon is a national honors society for the Earth Sciences. It promotes the wellbeing of its membership through scholarship, networking, and community service.
Pre-Dental Society at UTSA
The Pre-Dental Society at UTSA motivates, encourages, and helps advance students in their pursuit of a career in dentistry at UTSA.
Pre-Medical Society at UTSA
The Pre-Medical Society at UTSA aims to provide opportunity and encouragement for UTSA students aspiring to be medical doctors as MDs and DOs.
Pre-Nursing Society at UTSA
The Pre-Nursing Society at UTSA assists, informs, and serves as a resource to all students who are interested in the field of Nursing.
Society of Physics Students (SPS) at UTSA
SPS is a professional organization that helps students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community. It is open to all students who are interested in physics and astronomy, regardless of major.