Academic Personal and Professional Excellence (APPEX)

APPEX is a scholarship program that provides financial support plus transition assistance, academic support, STEM career development, and well-being and resilience training to incoming Freshman STEM majors that have been invited to join the UTSA Honors College.

EcoJEDI Scholar Program

EcoJEDI is a UTSA-led research coalition facilitating career readiness in food and agriculture sciences.

Educating Youth in Environmental Science (EYES)

EYES is a K-5 educational outreach program that includes visits to elementary school classrooms and summer camps.

ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp (EMBHSSC)

EMBHSSC is a two-week academic, residential camp for sixth, seventh and eighth graders that emphasizes increasing students' mathematics and science skills. It introduces participants to college life and stimulates their interest in science and engineering as a potential career path.

HONEY Pathway

HONEY Pathway students and researchers are dedicated to conducting in-depth studies to uncover new uses of honey in medicine and to develop new treatments that can improve patient outcomes.

International Collaborations

UTSA has agreements with universities in Mexico, Central and South America to offer additional STEM opportunities to our students. For example, UTSA and the National Autonomous University of Honduras have an agreement to cooperate in research about water resources and water supply problems.

Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC)

MARC is a training program to help students enter and complete doctoral programs. Participants engage in a variety of activities that build their credentials for doctoral program entry and help them to succeed once they are there.

National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition

The National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition provides institutions with an information assurance or computer security curriculum in a controlled, competitive environment to assess their student's depth of understanding and operational competency in managing the challenges inherent in protecting a corporate network infrastructure and business information systems.

San Antonio Math Science Education Coalition (SAMSEC)

SAMSEC implements and influences city-wide efforts to recruit, certify, and retain science and mathematics teachers for San Antonio schools. Its focus is to unify math support and promote a stronger foundation of math skills in the community.

Teaching and Research in Environmental Ecology (TREE) / Educating Youth in Ecology (EYE)

The TREE/EYE programs educate and assist students of diverse backgrounds to become leaders in natural resources and conservation in order to protect our natural resources and promote sustainability.

Urban Monarch Conservation Internship Program

The Urban Monarch Conservation Internship Program is an internship program that introduces students to career opportunities in positions in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and to job settings where they will gain practical experience and training in natural and cultural resource fields.


UTeachSA is a collaboration between UTSA's College of Sciences and College of Education and Human Development to provide undergraduate students earning a STEM degree with the opportunity to also become a high school math or science teacher. Presently, UTSA is one of the greatest sources for STEM high school teachers in South Texas.

UTSA COS Rising Researchers Pre-Research Training Program

Rising Researchers is a research training and support program designed to provide an introduction to laboratory research and aid in a successful transition into college life.

UTSA Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD at UTSA)

IMSD at UTSA is a research professional development program that provides financial and training support for doctoral students for the first three years of their training.

UTSA Jefferson Scholars Program

The UTSA Jefferson Scholars Program is a mentoring and training program for undergraduate students who aspire to become leaders in environmental science and ecology.

UTSA STEM Transfer and Pre-Research Academy (STEM Academy)

The UTSA STEM Transfer and Pre-Research Academy is a research training and support program designed to support and connect transitioning community college students with the UTSA research community.

UTSA Tuggle Scholars Program

The UTSA Tuggle Scholars Program is a mentoring and training program for graduate students who aspire to become leaders in environmental science and ecology.

Work Study Research Training Program (WSRTP)

The WSRTP is a research training program that allows work-study-eligible undergraduates to be paid for performing research in a UTSA research laboratory.