Check out the following applications offered by the College of Sciences. The application timeframe is from November 1 to March 1 and selected recipients will receive their awards in the upcoming fall-spring academic year.

The scholarships detailed below are managed by the COS Dean's Office. There are additional scholarships managed by some of the COS departments; their webpages share additional details (Biology, Health, and the Environment, Computer Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Mathematics). Application deadlines vary, so please review carefully to ensure you submit the required application and document(s) on time.

Apply for Scholarships

To apply for the scholarships below, please visit the UTSA Scholarship Hub.

Current COS Scholarships

This scholarship promotes the academic and personal development of students by encouraging them to work under the close supervision of faculty to help develop the content and pedagogy in undergraduate science classes.


  • Current Undergraduate(s), enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
    * exceptions for those who do not need to be full-time to graduate
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 3.25+ (4.0 scale) in all major courses
  • Automatically renewed if all eligibility criteria are met and recipient continues to work with a faculty member on a content/pedagogy revision project.


  • Submit a 1-2 page proposal co-authored by the faculty member, describing the course’s proposed pedagogical revisions and how the student will assist

This scholarship is in honor of Dr. Bernard Sagik, the first Dean in the College of Sciences and Mathematics. Many of his former colleagues and students carry on his legacy through their contributions to this fund.


  • Current Undergraduate, enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Completed 24+ semester credit hours at UTSA
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 2.8+ (4.0 scale)
  • Preference given to applicants who are the first generation of their family to attend or graduate from college; within this preference, academic merit and financial need may be considered
  • Automatically renewed for up to four years if all eligibility criteria are met


  • Submit a written statement describing your background and academic goals

Dr. Thyagarajan established this scholarship shortly after his retirement in 2000 after 26 years of exemplary service, teaching, and scholarship. Professor Dr. Thyagarajan was the founding director of the Division of Earth and Physical Sciences.


  • Incoming Freshmen or current Undergraduates, enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Incoming Freshmen: 860+ SAT or 18+ ACT and Top 50% rank in graduating class
  • Current Undergraduates: cumulative 2.6+ GPA (4.0 scale) and completed 1-60 semester credit hours
  • Major: Chemistry, Geology, Physics
  • Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the FAFSA on file with the UTSA Office of Student Financial Aid


  • Applicants: it is suggested that you submit 1-2 Letters of Recommendation
  • Recipients: submit a 2 page essay on the life of United Farm Workers leader Cesar Chavez or India's freedom movement leader Mahatma Ghandi

Dr. Longbotham was a professor of engineering in the College of Sciences and Engineering when the colleges were combined. His family established this scholarship to honor his memory.


  • Current Undergraduate, enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester) or
    Graduate, enrolled full-time (9+ credit hours/semester)
  • Current Undergraduate: completed 60+ semester credit hours
  • Major: Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics
  • GPA: cumulative 3.2+ (4.0 scale)

Sangeeta Mantripragada created this scholarship with the intent to alleviate financial stress for academically excellent students. Ms. Mantripragada named this scholarship to honor her father, Dr. Rama Mantripragada, who was a professor in the Department of Mathematics.


  • Incoming Freshman or current Undergraduate(s), enrolled at least part-time (6+ credit hours/semester)
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 3.0+ (4.0 scale)
  • Preference given to students who have financial need as determined by the FAFSA on file with the UTSA Office of Student Financial Aid
  • Preference given to students who are majoring in Mathematics

The Dickson-Allen Foundation and Mr. Curtis Vaughn III established this scholarship to honor the leadership and vision the Romos brought to the university during Dr. Romo's presidency.


  • Incoming Freshmen or current Undergraduate(s), enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
    * exceptions for those who do not need to be full-time to graduate or are pursuing an internship while enrolled in at least 6 credit hours
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 2.8+ (4.0 scale)
  • Automatically renewed if all eligibility criteria are met

This scholarship was established in her memory by her loved ones. Students in both the College of Business and the College of Sciences have benefited from this scholarship since 1995.


  • Current Undergraduate, enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 2.5+ (4.0 scale)
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Must be a Texas permanent resident
  • Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the FAFSA on file with the UTSA Office of Student Financial Aid
  • Automatically renewed if all eligibility criteria are met

This scholarship was established in loving memory of a former student at UTSA. His family wanted to honor his legacy.


  • Current Undergraduate(s), enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Completed 30+ semester credit hours
  • Major: Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Microbiology
  • GPA: cumulative 2.8+ (4.0 scale)
  • Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the FAFSA on file with the UTSA Office of Student Financial Aid
  • Must demonstrate recognizable academic merit
  • Automatically renewed if all eligibility criteria are met


  • Applicants: it is suggested that you submit 1-2 Letters of Recommendation

Norma Martinez Lozano and her husband established this scholarship to honor Ms. Lozano’s parents.


  • Incoming Freshmen or current Undergraduate(s), enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the FAFSA on file with the UTSA Office of Student Financial Aid
  • Must have graduated from the Harlandale Independent School District

This scholarship opportunity is available for any Lone Star College student who is acquiring a degree in STEM. See Lone Star STEM Scholar for details.

As a student at Kansas State University, Merle faced the challenges of going to school and working. He and his wife Helen want to give students the opportunity to achieve academic success.


  • Incoming Freshman or current Undergraduate(s), enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
    * exceptions for those who do not need to be full-time to graduate but are enrolled in least 6 credit hours
  • Major: Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering
  • GPA: cumulative 3.0+ (4.0 scale)
  • Automatically renewed if all eligibility criteria are met

The North Loop 410 Association, Inc. formed in 1969 as a civic group whose purpose focused on the development of the North Loop 410 and surrounding area.


  • Current Undergraduate, enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Completed 30+ semester credit hours
  • Major: any in the College of Sciencess
  • GPA: cumulative 3.2+ (4.0 scale)
  • Must be a Texas permanent resident
  • Previous recipient is eligible for renewal, provided that they re-apply each year and all eligibility criteria are met.


  • Submit 2 Letters of Recommendation completed by UTSA faculty members
  • Submit a written statement about your most distinctive honor (300 words or less)

Mr. J. Dan Bates and his wife Ruth established this scholarship. Mr. Bates is President Emeritus of the Southwest Research Institute and past chair of the College of Sciences Advancement Council.


  • Incoming Freshman or current Undergraduate, enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester) or
    Graduate enrolled full-time (9+ credit hours/semester)
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 3.0+ (4.0 scale)

The Madrid family and friends established this scholarship. As a member of the San Antonio Council on Engineering and Education, Sam was instrumental in establishing the engineering program at UTSA in the College of Sciences and Engineering.


  • Incoming Freshman or current Undergraduate(s), enrolled full-time (12+ credit hours/semester)
  • Major: any in the College of Sciences
  • GPA: cumulative 3.0+ (4.0 scale)
  • Must demonstrate financial need, as determined by the FAFSA on file with the UTSA Office of Student Financial Aid
  • Must have graduated from a San Antonio area high school

Additional Scholarship Resources

Visit UTSA One-Stop to find more available scholarships.