National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Grant

CAMEE faculty member Daniel Pineda received $579,200 for his project "Multi-Isotopologue Absorption Spectroscopy for Hydrogen-Carrier and Nitrogen-Based Low-Carbon Energy."

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Grant

CAMEE faculty members Adel Alaeddini and Kiran Bhaganagar received $351,634 for their project "Novel Semi-Supervised Kernel Formulation for Extrapolation from Small Datasets: Rapid Predictive Modeling of the Effect of a Leeway Object Geometry on its Drift and Divergence in Deep Waters."

National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant

CAMEE faculty member Daniel Pinedo received a $200,000 grant for his project "ERI: High-Pressure Spectroscopy of Ammonia Combustion Species for Carbon-Free Supercritical and Detonative Power and Propulsion."

Department of Defense (DoD) Grant

CAMEE faculty members Christopher Combs and Daniel Pineda have been awarded $526,000 for their research "Enabling Four-Dimensional Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurements of Hypersonic Aerodynamic Phenomena."

Astroport Space Technologies, Inc. Grant

CAMEE faculty member Alan Whittington received $83,496 for his project "Efficient Orbital Structures Manufactured Using Solar-Melted Regolith."

NASA University Leadership Initiative (ULI) Award

UTSA's CAMEE is part of a team led by UT Austin in a $3.3 million project "Full Airframe Sensing Technology (FAST)."

Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Award

Funded by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research for $284,884, Dr. Christopher Combs will use the award to buy cameras for the UTSA Hypersonic Lab.

Collaborative NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant

The $50,000 award will enable Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar to prepare the submission of the full proposal within the next 6 months.

Connecting through Research Partnerships (CONNECT) Program Grant


The $125,000 grant will support Dr. Christopher Combs (UTSA) and Dr. Nicholas Mueschke (SwRI) on their project to develop nonintrusive diagnostics for hypersonic flight testing.

Developing Data-Driven Technology Towards Improved Leeway Divergence Prediction


Funded by the U.S. Coastal Guard and U.S. Army for $287,000, Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar will collaborate with UT Dallas Hatchbed Solutions and the San Antonio Edgewood Chemical Biological Center.

Investigation of the Effects of Ablation-Induced Distributed Roughness on Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer

Funded by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research for $450,000, Dr. Christopher Combs will investigate the effects of hypersonic shock waves on future U.S. Air Force flight systems.

MOSAiC Arctic Expedition

September 2019 - September 2020
CAMEE's polar research group is participating in the year-long MOSAiC Arctic expedition via collaboration with Peking University and the Polar Research Institute of China to provide one GNSS-R instrument, along with two similar other GNSS-R from EU countries installed on the ship's deck and different types of sea ice. These will collect snow depth and potentially sea ice thickness data.

MOSAiC Arctic Expedition website | Polarstern blog | MOSAiC Arctic Expedition in real time