The interdisciplinary NASA MIRO Center for Advanced Measurements in Extreme Environments (CAMEE) was established in 2019 through a $3 million NASA grant.

In addition to investigating extreme environmental and hypersonic conditions, CAMEE hosts student and outreach activities to expand awareness and understanding of NASA science.

NASA MIRO CAMEE Capability Statement CAMEE Brochure


To build a sustainable source of diverse, highly trained researchers to enter the Nation's workforce in NASA fields of earth system sciences, remote sensing technologies, computational fluid dynamics, and experimental fluid mechanics.


To recruit, educate, and mentor a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate interdisciplinary students to become leaders in earth system sciences, remote sensing technologies, computational fluid dynamics, and experimental fluid mechanics.

Educational Goals

  1. Form highly-skilled diverse professionals in STEM disciplines that support NASA's mission.
  2. Develop an integrated education and research program in measurements, modelling, and data fusion supporting NASA's future workforce needs.
  3. Increase the interest of underrepresented minority undergraduate students in graduate STEM education.
  4. Implement a K-12 teacher workshop and outreach program with the purpose of inspiring underrepresented minority students in pursuing STEM careers.
  5. Increase the research capacity at UTSA in areas related to NASA research priorities.

Research Goals

  1. Characterize changes in polar sea ice and ice sheets, especially areas undergoing rapid change.
  2. Improve our understanding of extreme atmospheric and oceanic processes with data-driven models using improved measurement techniques.
  3. Develop new data assimilation and modeling methods and algorithms to combine multi-sensor measurements for resolving turbulent fluxes across a variety of surfaces (atmosphere-ocean; ice-ocean; atmosphere-ice) and flow scale regimes.
  4. Execute a synergistic experimental and computational effort to develop improved turbulence models with applicability over a range of flow scale regimes.

Research Opportunities Available

Undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral research opportunities exist in all focus areas