Welcome to our research projects page! Here you will find the organization's most recent discoveries and advancements in their research. Our team of researchers and students at UTSA are constantly working on new initiatives to uncover the benefits of honey in treating various ailments. With a focus on both traditional and modern methods, we aim to expand the knowledge and understanding of honey's healing properties.

Honey as a Treatment for Wound Healing

This project aims to investigate the potential of honey for treating wounds. We are exploring the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey and how they can aid in the healing process. Our findings have the potential to contribute to the development of more effective wound treatments.

The Effect of Honey on Allergic Reactions

In this project, we are examining the potential of honey to alleviate symptoms of allergies. We are investigating the anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties of honey and their potential to reduce allergic reactions. Our findings have the potential to contribute to the development of new allergy treatments.

Honey as a Natural Preservative

This project investigates the potential of honey as a natural preservative for food and cosmetic products. We are exploring the antimicrobial properties of honey and how they can be used to extend the shelf life of products. Our findings have the potential to contribute to the development of more sustainable and natural preservation methods.

Honey and its Effects on the Gut Microbiome

In this project, we are examining the potential of honey to improve gut health. We are investigating the prebiotic properties of honey and how they can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Our findings have the potential to contribute to the development of new probiotics and other gut health products.