Student Research in Dr. Hutchinson's Lab

Summer 2024

Tracy Cabrera and Natalie Martinez

Tracy Cabrera and Natalie Martinez filtering biofilm samples for carbon analysis

Alyssa Drake and Kennedy Wood

Alyssa Drake and Kennedy Wood filtering soil samples from Leon Creek for carbon analysis

Alyssa Drake and Natalie Martinez

Alyssa Drake and Natalie Martinez adding nitrogen and phosphorous to biofilm samples for a protozoa and meiofauna study on rehydrated biofilm

Laura Salazar and Natalie Martinez

Laura Salazar and Natalie Martinez filtering biofilm and soil samples from Leon Creek Greenway

Alyssa Drake

Alyssa Drake filtering soil samples at week 4 for carbon analysis

Maddison Orquiz

Maddison Orquiz training new students in the lab on the steps to analyze microplastics from soils

Kennedy Wood

Kennedy Wood counting protozoa and meiofauna from biofilm samples