Laura Perry

Laura Perry discussing poster from students who completed internships with the U.S. Forest Service in Asheville, NC – the three students could not attend

Alyssa Drake

Alyssa Drake discussing soil organic matter between two creeks in Bexar County

David Lind, Benjamin Weber, and Cesar Lopez

David Lind, Benjamin Weber, and Cesar Lopez discussing a study that evaluated rehydrating aquatic biofilms

Miguel Rivera

Miguel Rivera discussing the effects of metal nanoparticles on nitrifying bacteria in soils

Jasmine Stanley and Tracy Cabrera

Jasmine Stanley and Tracy Cabrera discussing documenting plant species in Leon Creek Greenway

Natalie Martinez

Natalie Martinez discussing forest structure and composition in Leon Creek Greenway

EcoJEDI students
Participants at the Mini-Conference
Top row (L-R): Tracy Cabrera, Alicia Elizalde, Alyssa Drake, Natalie Martinez, David Lind, Jasmine Stanley, and Miguel Rivera
Bottom row (L-R): Benjamin Weber and Cesar Lopez

Tracy Cabrera and Natalie Martinez

Tracy Cabrera and Natalie Martinez filtering biofilm samples for carbon analysis

Alyssa Drake and Kennedy Wood

Alyssa Drake and Kennedy Wood filtering soil samples from Leon Creek for carbon analysis

Alyssa Drake and Natalie Martinez

Alyssa Drake and Natalie Martinez adding nitrogen and phosphorous to biofilm samples for a protozoa and meiofauna study on rehydrated biofilm

Laura Salazar and Natalie Martinez

Laura Salazar and Natalie Martinez filtering biofilm and soil samples from Leon Creek Greenway

Alyssa Drake

Alyssa Drake filtering soil samples at week 4 for carbon analysis

Maddison Orquiz

Maddison Orquiz training new students in the lab on the steps to analyze microplastics from soils

Kennedy Wood

Kennedy Wood counting protozoa and meiofauna from biofilm samples

EcoJEDI students measured forest structure and composition in Leon Creek Greenway. Data for soils, ground cover, shrubs, and trees were collected from multiple plots across the greenway to evaluate differences among upper, mid-slopes, and the dry creek bed from the east to west side.

May 28, 2024

Alicia Elizalde, Natalie Martinez, Ananya Seth, and Paulina Zamora

Natalie Martinez and Alicia Elizalde

Natalie and Alicia sampling a cedar elm

Ananya Seth and Paulina Zamora

Ananya and Paulina in a Texas persimmon shrub thicket

Ananya Seth, Natalie Martinez, and Paulina Zamora

Ananya, Natalie, and Paulina in the dry creek

Alicia Elizalde and Natalie Martinez

Alicia and Natalie working in the mid-slope

Ananya Seth and Paulina Zamora

Ananya and Paulina measuring
a large live oak along the dry creek bed

Natalie Martinez, Alicia Elizalde, Ananya Seth, and Paulina Zamora

Natalie, Alicia, Ananya, and Paulina

May 29, 2024

Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizadale, David Lind, Cesar Lopez, Natalie Martinez, Ysabel Morales, Jazmine Stanley, Benjamin Weber, and Paulina Zamora

Alyssa Drake and Cesar Lopez

Alicia and Cesar working in an upper slope plot

Jazmine Stanley and Paulina Zamora

Jazmine and Paulina setting up an upper slope plot

Alyssa Drake

Alyssa collecting soils

(part of summer Independent Study to analyze
organic matter and carbon in soils along a gradient)

Paulina Zamora, David Lind, and Jazmine Stanley

Paulina, David, and Jazmine in oak mott habitat

Jazmine Stanley measuring tree

Jazmine measuring diameter of a small sugarberry

 Alyssa Drake and Ysabel Morales

Alyssa and Ysabel deciding which trees to measure
using the Point-Quarter sampling method

students standing among trees

working as a team to finish sampling in a plot

student group picture

Bottom L-R: Jazmine, Ysabel, and Natalie
Top L-R: David, Paulina, Alyssa, Benjamin, Cesar, and Alicia

June 12, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizadale, David Lind, Cesar Lopez, Natalie Martinez, Jamine Tiijerina, and Benjamin Weber

Jamine Tiijerina and David Lind

Jamine and David measuring
a large live tree in an upland plot

Alyssa Drake, Cesar Lopez, and Benjamin Weber

Alyssa, Cesar, and Benjamin working
in a disturbed plot dominated by small shrubs

Natalie Martinez and Tracy Cabrera

Natalie and Tracy working in an upland plot

Alyssa Drake and Alicia Elizadale

Alyssa and Alicia setting up a plot
to take measurements on shrubs and trees


finishing up sampling in a plot as a team

student group picture

Bottom L-R: Natalie, Jamine, and Tracy Cabrera
Top L-R: David, Alyssa, and Alicia

June 13, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizadale, Cesar Lopez, and Natalie Martinez

 Natalie Martinez, Tracy Cabrera, and Alyssa Drake

Natalie, Tracy, and Alyssa measuring ground cover

Cesar Lopez

Cesar measuring diameter of an Ashe juniper

Alicia Elizadale

Alicia recording data in an Ashe juniper stand

Tracy Cabrera and Natalie Martinez

Tracy and Natalie measuring cedar elm
diameter and distance from plot center to the tree

Tracy Cabrera

Tracy measuring multi-branched Ashe juniper

June 18, 2024

David Lind, Natalie Martinez, Lorraine Shanahan, and Jamine Tijerina

Lorraine Shanahan and David Lind

Lorraine and David measuring distance to cedar elm

Natalie Martinez and Lorraine Shanahan

Jamine and Natalie working in the dry creek

students sitting on ground

Natalie and Lorraine measuring cedar elm diameter

students in forested area

taking a break with half the sampling completed

David Lind and Jamine Tijerina

group working together to finish sampling in a plot

David Lind and Jamine Tijerina

David and Jamine preparing to measure
a large black willow in the dry creek

David Lind, Natalie Martinez, Lorraine Shanahan, and Jamine Tijerina

David, Natalie, Lorraine, and Jamine

July 8, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, and Natalie Martinez

Natalie Martinez, Tracy Cabrera,  and Alyssa Drake

Natalie, Tracy, and Alyssa measuring trees
using point-quarter method

Natalie Martinez and Tracy Cabrera

Natalie and Tracy measuring trees
using point-quarter method

Alyssa Drake, Natalie Martinez, and Tracy Cabrera

Alyssa, Natalie, and Tracy measuring trees
using point-quarter method

EcoJEDI students measured forest structure and composition in Salado Creek Greenway. Data for soils, ground cover, shrubs, and trees were collected.

July 10, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Cook, Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, Natalie Martinez, Ananya Seth, and Jazmine Stanley

Ananya Seth and Natalie Martinez

Ananya and Natalie measuring

Natalie Martinez and Alicia Elizalde

Natalie and Alicia measuring

 Jasmine Stanley and Tracy Cabrera

Jazmine and Tracy measuring

Alicia Elizalde and Natalie Martinez

Alicia and Natalie measuring

Ananya Seth and Alyssa Drake

Ananya and Alyssa measuring

Tracy Cabrera, Alicia Elizalde, Jasmine Stanley, Alyssa Cook, Anaya Seth, and Natalie Martinez

Tracy, Alicia, Jazmine, Alyssa, Anaya, and Natalie

July 15, 2024

Alyssa Cook, David Lind, Natalie Martinez, and Jazmine Tijerina

Salado Creek Greenway trail map

Salado Creek Greenway trail map at S.R. 1604 trailhead

David Lind and Natalie Martinez

David and Natalie

Natalie Martinez and Jazmine Tijerina

Natalie and Jazmine

Alyssa Cook and Jazmine Tijerina

Alyssa and Jazmine

line transects

line transects for examining ground cover

David Lind, Alyssa Cook, Natalie Martinez, and Jazmine Tijerina

David, Alyssa, Natalie, and Jazmine

July 17, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, Natalie Martinez, Kennedy Wood

Natalie Martinez measuring tree

Natalie measuring the d.b.h. of an Ashe juniper tree

Alicia Elizalde and Kennedy Wood

Alicia and Kennedy on the east slope

Kennedy Wood and Alyssa Drake

Kennedy and Alyssa
on the edge of oak mott and Ashe juniper habitat

Alicia Elizalde and Tracy Cabrera

Alicia and Tracy

Kennedy Wood, Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, Tracy Cabrera, and Natalie Martinez

Kennedy, Alyssa, Alicia, Tracy, and Natalie

July 29, 2024

Alyssa Drake, Ananya Seth, and Kennedy Wood

Alyssa Drake, Ananya Seth, and Kennedy Wood

Alyssa, Ananya, and Kennedy

Ananya Seth and Alyssa Drake

Ananya and Alyssa

Alyssa Drake

Alyssa measuring live oak diameter

Kennedy Wood, Alyssa Drake, and Ananya Seth

Kennedy, Alyssa, and Ananya

Alyssa Drake and Ananya Seth

Alyssa and Ananya

Alyssa Drake,  Ananya Seth, and Kennedy Wood

Alyssa, Ananya, and Kennedy

Kennedy Wood, Ananya Seth, and Alyssa Drake

Kennedy, Ananya, and Alyssa

July 31, 2024

Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, and Natalie Martinez

Natalie Martinez, Alicia Elizalde, and Alyssa Drake

Natalie, Alicia, and Alyssa

Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, and Natalie Martinez

Alyssa, Alicia, and Natalie (behind tree)

Alicia Elizalde, Alyssa Drake, and Natalie Martinez

Alicia, Alyssa, and Natalie along dry creek edge

Natalie Martinez and Alicia Elizalde

Natalie and Alicia

Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, and Natalie Martinez

Alyssa, Alicia,and Natalie moving to the west side

August 5, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, and Natalie Martinez
(in 96 °F heat)

Natalie Martinez and Tracy Cabrera

Natalie and Tracy

Alyssa Drake and Natalie Martinez

Alyssa and Natalie

Alyssa Drake, Tracy Cabrera, and Natalie Martinez

Alyssa, Tracy, and Natalie on west slope

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, and Natalie Martinez

measuring distance from center plot
and diameter of an Ashe juniper

August 7, 2024

Tracy Cabrera, Alyssa Drake, Alicia Elizalde, Natalie Martinez, Ananya Seth, and Jasmine Stanley

Jasmine Stanley, Alyssa Drake, Natalie Martinez, Ananya Seth, Alicia Elizalde, and Tracy Cabrera

Jasmine, Alyssa, Natalie,
Ananya (behind tree), Alicia, and Tracy

Tracy Cabrera and Alicia Elizalde

Tracy and Alicia setting up center of the plot

Natalie Martinez

Natalie reviewing data along the dry creek

Jasmine Stanley and Natalie Martinez

Jasmine and Natalie measuring large live oak diameter

 Alyssa Drake and Ananya Seth

 Alyssa and Ananya working on the west slope

bee hive in a live oak crevice

a bee hive in a live oak crevice along the dry creek

August 8, 2024

Natalie Martinez and Jasmine Stanley

Jasmine Stanley and Natalie Martinez

measuring live oak diameter

Jasmine Stanley and Natalie Martinez

working on the steep east slope

Jasmine Stanley and Natalie Martinez

tree sampling

Jasmine Stanley and Natalie Martinez

measuring Ashe juniper diameter in dry creek bed

Natalie Martinez and Jasmine Stanley

using point-quarter method from a center plot
to estimate density of trees

Natalie Martinez and Jasmine Stanley

working in an Ashe juniper thicket

Natalie Martinez and Jasmine Stanley

end of summer field work

Attending the USDA meeting and AHSIE Conference offered a number of different perspectives from faculty and students, talks and workshops to enhance the inclusion and equity skills of current educators, displaying multiple different projects aimed to serve underrepresented students. My favorite talk was given by Rosa Clemente who is an organizer, producer, academic, journalist, and scholar-activist. Her speech was empowering and addressed the current and former struggles underrepresented groups have dealt with in the past and currently experiencing in the United States. I’m absolutely honored to have been in her presence and to have learned as much as I did at this conference.
Claire Littlefield

USDA HIS Directors Meeting in Monterey, California on March 17

NIFA slide

opening session of the USDA HIS Directors Meeting

people at table

discussion among USDA HIS Grant recipients

AHSIE Conference in Monterey, California on March 18-20

conference participants

opening session of the AHSIE Conference

students presenting

student presentations at the AHSIE Conference

people eating

AHSIE luncheon

Claire Littlefield

Claire Littlefield at the AHSIE Conference

Claire Littlefield and Rosa Clemente

Claire Littlefield and Rosa Clemente

Jeffrey Hutchinson and Claire Littlefield

Jeffrey Hutchinson and Claire Littlefield on a
whale watching boat ride in the Pacific Ocean

Four EcoJEDI members and six other undergraduates from UTSA attended the Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Odessa, Texas. Three EcoJEDI students presented posters and one gave an oral presentation.

Dr. Briana Salas

Dr. Briana Salas presenting a talk on the EcoJEDI product at the STEM session at the conference.

presentation slide

Dr. Salas first slide on her presentation on EcoJEDI research program at year 2.


A packed classroom at the Aquatic Science session

Maddison Orquiz

Maddison Orquiz presenting a talk at the Terrestrial Ecology session on microplastics in different forest age classes at the USFS Bent Creek Experimental Forest in Asheville, NC.

Claire Littlefield at poster

Claire Littlefield discussing her poster on microplastics in biofilms with a USGS employee.

Angel Velasquez at poster

Angel Velasquez discussing her poster on organic matter in ephemeral pools with a graduate student.

Kate Kampman at poster

Kate Kampman’s poster presentation on the forest structure and composition of porcupine use of live oaks in Leon Creek Greenway. Kate won first place in the undergraduate student competition.

superworms poster

A part of a poster from Tara Hansler from Texas A&M Kingsville on "superworms" (adults and larvae) consumption of Styrofoam.

Kate Kampman and Angel Velasquez

Kate and Angel networking with undergraduates from other universities in Texas.

EcoJEDI students

EcoJEDI students and lab members checking out graduate school opportunities at other universities

EcoJEDI students

EcoJEDI students and lab members during a break between sessions.

Angel Velasquez, Claire Littlefield, Kate Kampman, and Dr. Salas

Angel, Claire, Kate, and Dr. Salas at the conference dinner and awards presentation.

Jazmine Blancas, Kate Kampman, Claire Littlefield, Maddison Ortiz, and Angel Velasquez presented posters at the SWAN conference in San Antonio, Texas.

student and poster
student and poster
student and poster

Poster Presentations

  • Jazmine Blancas - Exploring microscopic life in ephemeral pools: A preliminary analysis of meiofauna in Leon Creek, San Antonio
  • Claire Littlefield - Restoration of a spring run silted in by a dam along Honeycut Springs, C.L. Browning Ranch, Johnson City, Texas
  • Kate Kampman and Angel Velasquez (joint presentation) - Diurnal rest sites and forest structure and composition used by porcupines in the upper Leon Creek Greenway, San Antonio, Texas
  • Maddison Ortiz - The occurrence of microplastics within differently aged forest stands

June 6-8, 2023

Kate Kampman and Angel Velasquez analyzing forest structure and composition of porcupine diurnal rest trees and habitat in the upper Leon Creek Greenway.


June 13, 2023

Students collecting leaf litter and humus from plots as part of a long-term study in the upper section of Leon Creek Greenway.

students at water edge

June 2023

Claire Littlefield and undergraduate students collecting biofilm samples. Last image is biofilms being processed for analysis of microplastics.


students in wooded area
students taking water sample
students in lab

March 7, 2023

José Bruno Del Rio-Malewski

September 26, 2023


examining Xenopus eggs for viability