Click dates with * to see photos.

Date Activity
July 25, 2024* EcoJEDI Mini-Conference at Northeast Lakeview College
Summer 2024* Student Research in Dr. Hutchinson's Lab
May-August 2024* Student Research at Leon Creek and Salado Creek Greenways in San Antonio, Texas
March 17-20, 2024* USDA HIS Directors Meeting and AHSIE 16th Annual Best Practices Conference in Monterey, California
March 1-2, 2024* Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Odessa, Texas
August 3-5, 2023* Southwestern Association of Naturalists Conference in San Antonio, Texas
June 2023* Student Research at Leon Creek Greenway in San Antonio, Texas
Summer 2023* Student Research at Northeast Lakeview College
March-September 2023* Student Research in Dr. Hutchinson's Lab