Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Odessa, Texas

March 1-2, 2024

Four EcoJEDI members and six other undergraduates from UTSA attended the Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting in Odessa, Texas. Three EcoJEDI students presented posters and one gave an oral presentation.

Dr. Briana Salas

Dr. Briana Salas presenting a talk on the EcoJEDI product at the STEM session at the conference.

presentation slide

Dr. Salas first slide on her presentation on EcoJEDI research program at year 2.


A packed classroom at the Aquatic Science session

Maddison Orquiz

Maddison Orquiz presenting a talk at the Terrestrial Ecology session on microplastics in different forest age classes at the USFS Bent Creek Experimental Forest in Asheville, NC.

Claire Littlefield at poster

Claire Littlefield discussing her poster on microplastics in biofilms with a USGS employee.

Angel Velasquez at poster

Angel Velasquez discussing her poster on organic matter in ephemeral pools with a graduate student.

Kate Kampman at poster

Kate Kampman’s poster presentation on the forest structure and composition of porcupine use of live oaks in Leon Creek Greenway. Kate won first place in the undergraduate student competition.

superworms poster

A part of a poster from Tara Hansler from Texas A&M Kingsville on "superworms" (adults and larvae) consumption of Styrofoam.

Kate Kampman and Angel Velasquez

Kate and Angel networking with undergraduates from other universities in Texas.

EcoJEDI students

EcoJEDI students and lab members checking out graduate school opportunities at other universities

EcoJEDI students

EcoJEDI students and lab members during a break between sessions.

Angel Velasquez, Claire Littlefield, Kate Kampman, and Dr. Salas

Angel, Claire, Kate, and Dr. Salas at the conference dinner and awards presentation.