Our Executive Board Officers are elected (or appointed, in the case of a mid-year vacancy), so it is easy to identify with whom you can share thoughts and ideas. Simply email COS.StudentCouncil@utsa.edu or join our RowdyLink page to view the current officers so you can speak with them directly. We welcome your input!
For interested applicants, we strongly encourage active participation in events hosted by the COS Student Council (see "Open Membership" below for more details) for at least a year.
As a part of our responsibility for serving the larger UTSA College of Sciences community, we host open meetings, town halls with the Dean, and other events that are open to the general public. During these events, we discuss funding for science-based organizations around campus, bring up student concerns within the college, and more - feel free to contact any of the officers (or at our general email COS.StudentCouncil@utsa.edu / RowdyLink) or find us at one of our tablings for more information!