Creating a Pathway for the Development of Undergraduate Math Majors and Minors in our Department

The Mathematics Department hires undergraduate math majors and minors as teaching assistants (UTAs) and these members of our department are busy assisting our undergraduate students enrolled in our STEM core classes by offering weekly targeted supplemental instruction (SI) sessions in a dedicated WeBWorK lab – called the Math Gym and located in 3.02.08 within the Flawn Science Building. Just like a gym, the WeBWorK lab will be open during the day for individual use of the "equipment" – 30 desktop computers – but it also offers group workout SI sessions for students who need structured support.

During the initial launch in Spring 2023, these SI sessions were offered for students taking Precalculus and Calculus I. In Fall 2023, the Math Gym expanded to additionally assist students in Calculus II and Calculus III. By Spring 2024, the department hopes to offer these SI sessions for Linear Algebra and Differential Equations.

More Than a Lab

The Math Gym is unique in that it's a WeBWorK lab designed to offer our STEM core students support from math majors and minors through targeted SI sessions. This means that session content will mirror course content through close collaboration with the course coordinators for the STEM core. In fact, the targeted SI sessions are not possible without the coordination of our STEM core classes, something that our department has been working towards for several years. Operating the Math Gym and an open WeBWorK lab is a unique opportunity for our department and the university to create a path to success for our math majors, minors, and ultimately for all students at UTSA.

Further, this program builds on the department's strategy for student success by increasing the number of TAs available for student support.

The vertical and horizontal alignment of curriculum, an increase in the number of TAs, and now the development of the Math Gym and WeBWorK lab is evidence of the student-centered vision for the Department and the College of Sciences which is focused on student success.

If you are an undergraduate math major or minor and interested in applying for a UTA position, please fill out an application today!

Spring 2025 Math Gym Schedule

Individual Workout Sessions (Walk-In Hours)

These hours are open for any student to walk in and get help with WeBWork problems or other questions about their course material! Students are encouraged to use this as a space to work on their homework together with Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTA) available to help. Computers are available to access WeBWork Assignments.

Math Gym Weekly Schedule

All times not listed as TWS, CLOSED, or ZOOM are walk-in hours for homework help!

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am-10am       MAT 1223/MAT 1224 TWS  
10am-11am     MAT 1093 TWS   MAT 1093 TWS
11am-12pm   MAT 1093 TWS   MAT 1093 TWS  
12pm-1pm         MAT 1213/MAT 1214 TWS
1pm-2pm MAT 1213/MAT 1214 TWS     MAT 1213/MAT 1214 TWS  
2pm-3pm   MAT 1223/MAT 1224 TWS     MAT 1223/MAT 1224 TWS
3pm-4pm MAT 1093 TWS   MAT 1223/MAT 1224 TWS   CLOSED
4pm-5pm         CLOSED

UTA support will always be available during these hours for the following courses:
MAT 1093 (Pre-Calculus), MAT 1214 / MAT 1214 (Calculus I)

Depending on UTA availability, support will also be available for the following courses:
MAT 1133 (Calculus for Business), MAT 1193 (Calculus for Biosciences), MAT 1223 / MAT 1224 (Calculus II), MAT 2213 / MAT 2214 (Calculus III), MAT 2233 (Linear Algebra), MAT 3613 (Differential Equations)

Virtual Math Gym (Online Drop-In Hours)

UTA support will also be available online Mondays-Thursday from 6-8pm at the following Zoom Link:

Targeted Workout Sessions (SI Sessions)

In addition to open hours, the Math Gym offers Targeted Workout Sessions, which are targeted supplemental review sessions where undergraduate TAs will go over relevant information for each course aligned with the current weekly materials. Students are encouraged to attend one of these sessions each week, particularly if they need help understanding the course material for that week!

Targeted Workout Sessions (SI Sessions) for PRE-CALCULUS

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3pm 11am 10am 11am 10am

Targeted Workout Sessions (SI Sessions) for CALCULUS I

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1pm     1pm 12pm

Targeted Workout Sessions (SI Sessions) for CALCULUS II

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  2pm 3pm 9am 2pm