Our laboratory is located on the fourth floor of the Biotechnology, Sciences and Engineering Building (BSE). The lab space is newly renovated with several fume hoods, sinks, and cabinetry for general and chemical storage. We have two Vacuum Atmospheres gloveboxes equipped with cold wells and freezers, dual-manifold Schlenk lines, an LC solvent purification system, a Cary60 UV-vis spectrophotometer, a CH Instruments electrochemical workstation, and a NicoletiS10 IR spectrometer.

lab equipment
lab equipment
lab equipment
lab equipment
lab equipment
lab equipment
lab equipment
lab equipment

From the lab, we have a beautiful view of the surrounding San Antonio landscape through our spacious windows. Occasionally we are party to glimpses of native bird species such as the scissor-tailed flycatcher, red-tailed hawk, western kingbird, black-crested titmouse, western scrub jay, golden-fronted woodpecker, and of course our state bird, the northern mockingbird.

view from window

Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher

Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
Tyrannus forficatus

Red-Tailed Hawk

Red-Tailed Hawk
Buteo jamaicensis

Western Kingbird

Western Kingbird
Tyrannus verticalis

Black-Crested Titmouse

Black-Crested Titmouse
Baeolophus atricristatus

Western Scrub Jay

Western Scrub Jay
Aphelocoma californica

Golden-Fronted Woodpecker

Golden-Fronted Woodpecker
Melanerpes aurifrons

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird
Mimus polyglottos

For more information on Texas birds see: