You are eligible for consideration for the WSRTP if you:
* The NIH considers scientists to have come from a disadvantaged background if they meet at least two of the following criteria:
Applications are accepted year round and are reviewed in late spring, summer and fall. A majority of positions are available in summer. Additional application reviews will take place until all program positions are filled, as well as in the case of unexpected mid-semester positions.
HINT!! Do not let shyness or hesitation about an application prevent you from participating is this program. If you are strongly motivated to pursue a career in research and are having trouble with letters or other parts of your application, come and see Dr. Gail Taylor for advice. If a doctoral degree is your goal, our programs will benefit you greatly.
You need two recommendations for this application.
The WSRTP application is an electronic document which asks for contact, academic, career goal, and demographic information.