Welcome to the UTSA Chemistry Society

ACS Student ChapterOur ACS Student Chapter was established in 1978. Over four decades later, we are more active and passionate than ever!

We are a student-led organization that focuses on the academic and social enrichment of UTSA students with a passion for science! We focus on fostering connections between our chemistry students, participating in community service projects to promote science among youth, and providing opportunities for professional growth and development to our members.

Our goals are to continue to grow as a student chapter and promote science to UTSA students and our community. Science and Chemistry might be hard, but that does not mean that it can not be fun! Join us and get involved!!!!

The chapter is led by a student executive committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations, and Demonstrations Officer.

UTSA Student Affiliate Chapter of the American Chemical Society

Professor Tidbits

Social Media

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