Antimicrobial Properties of Local TX Honeys

  1. Staphylococcus aureus vs. Local TX Honeys: Antimicrobial Activity of 120 Local TX Honeys against the Causative agent of Staph Infection (Gracie Joao and Teno Awotu-Utunedi)
  2. Streptococcus Pyogenes vs. Local TX Honeys: Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Local TX Honeys against the Causative agent of Throat Infection (Kyra Hagan and Christine Tomydas)
  3. Streptococcus oralis vs. Local TX Honeys: Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Local TX Honeys against the Causative agent of Dental Cavities (Claudia Ponce and Jason Rodriguez)
  4. Cutibacterium Acnes vs. Local TX Honeys: Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Local TX Honeys against the Causative Agent of Acne Vulgaris (Victoria Garcia and Trina Nguyen)
  5. Candida albicans vs. Local TX Honeys: Antifungal Activity of Local TX Honeys against the Causative Agent of Dermal and Mucosal Infections (Trina Nguyen and Olivia Iwuala)
  6. Acinetobacter baumannii vs. Local TX Honeys: The Effects of Medicinal Honey on the Biofilm Formation of the Causative Agent of Iraqi Disease (Nisabella Karais)

Antioxidant Properties of Local TX Honeys

  1. Analyzing Antioxidant Properties of Twenty-Two Texan Honey Samples (Helen Cruz and Alessia Valdes)
  2. Protecting Beef Meat from Lipid Oxidation Using the Power of Texan Honeys (Temiyemi Adewumi)

Honey Quality and Authenticity

  1. Honey Bioactivity and Authenticity: Grocery Store vs. Local Beekeepers' Honey in San Antonio, TX (Viviana Martinez, Haley Hathway, Keyla Castillo)
  2. Beyond Sweetness: Comprehensive Sensory Profiling of 16 Texas Honeys (Samantha Chapa, Michael Frei, and Gabriella Hicks)
  3. Rheology of Local TX Honeys (Noah Lopez)
  4. Microplastics in Local TX Honeys (Moses Hernandez)

Medical Applications of Honey

  1. A Systematic Review of the Application of Medical-Grade Honeys for Burn Wounds (Karyme Lozano and Christina Ndayisenga)
  2. Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Honey for Children: A Reflection on Allergies, Coughs, and Gastrointestinal Diseases (Claryssa Luna)
  3. Hydrogel with Local Medical-Grade TX Honey as a Wound Management Device (Zeina Hijazi)

Honeybee Projects

  1. Behavioral Analysis of Honeybees During Eclipses (Oceanna Escribano, Ahmad Hassan, and Chelsey Detrick)
  2. The Unbeelievable Bee VR Game (Andrea Mendez, Jermaine Morehead)