Project Status
Algae surveys of permanent and ephemeral pools in the upper section of Leon Creek Greenway ongoing
Distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the Texas Hill Country ongoing
Dynamic science communication to cultivate first generation student success in STEM graduate education
(PI: Dr. Janis Bush; Co-PIs: Drs. Sue Hum, Kenny Walker, Amaury Nora, Gwen Young, and Juliet Ray)
Ex situ studies on aquatic macrophyte growth and competition studies (multiple greenhouse studies) ongoing
Invasive species of the Texas Hill Country ongoing
Life history studies on aquatic and riparian plants ongoing
Restoration of a spring run invaded by torpedo grass (Panicum repens) in the Texas Hill Country ongoing
Evaluation of the vegetation along roadways in Edwards Aquifer recharge and contributing zones for storm water management and water quality improvement (multiple studies) ongoing through December 2023
Evaluating the suppression of Hydrilla verticillata by manual removal and planting native aquatic plants ongoing through December 2022
Vegetation composition and carbon sequestration at UTSAs Main Campus (multiple studies) ongoing through December 2022
Vegetation surveys in Leon Creek ongoing through September 2021
Fish and users surveys in the upper section of Leon Creek Greenway expected completion date: March 2020
Invertebrate surveys of permanent and ephemeral pools in the upper section of Leon Creek Greenway expected completion date: March 2020
Acoustic bat activity in Cibolo Preserve during the winter
(Sarah Gorton: undergraduate Honors student)
project completed and manuscript submitted
Interactions of Hygrophila polysperma and Ludwigia repens grown in saturated soil and shallow water under static water velocities project completed and manuscript submitted
Thirty year assessment of Texas wild rice in the San Marcos River project completed and manuscript submitted
Statistical analysis of the San Marcos and Comal Springs aquatic macrophytes and discharge datasets
(Co-PI: Dr. Julie Foote)
project completed and manuscripts in progress
Carbon sequestration along the I-35 corridor in San Antonio project completed and manuscript in preparation
Desiccation of Texas wild rice seeds under ambient conditions project completed and manuscript in preparation
Evaluation of supplemental plantings of Texas wild rice in the lower section of the San Marcos River project completed and manuscript in preparation
Spore viability of Lygodium microphyllum from treated sites project completed and manuscript in preparation
Thermal tolerance of Japanese climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum) spores and gametophytes to freezing temperatures project completed and manuscript in preparation
Establishment of aquatic macrophyte in the Missions District of the San Antonio River project completed