Replanting Native Grasses at C.L. Browning Ranch

November 2019

students in field

students planting grass

students planting grass
students planting grass
students planting grass

student group photo

San Antonio Water Systems Desalination and Clouse Wastewater Recycling Plant Tours

October 2019

students touring plant
students touring plant
students touring plant
students touring plant
students touring plant

Roadside Pollution and Vegetation Study

September 2019

students on roadside field

Dr. Hutchinson and students

Leon Creek Greenway Algae Sampling

May – December 2019

Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway

Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway

Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway
Leon Creek Greenway

submerged rock
sampling instruments

Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae
Leon Creek Greenway algae

Carbon Sequestration on UTSA's Main Campus

May – August 2019

students measuring
students in field
students measuring trees
student in woods

students measuring
students measuring
students measuring
students inspecting samples
students inspecting samples
students inspecting samples

students in woods
students in woods
students in field
field and measuring equipment

students uploading data
students uploading data
students uploading data
students in lab

Leon Creek Greenway Invertebrate Sampling

May – August 2019

student in creek
students in creek
students in creek
students in creek
students in creek
students in creek

Leon Creek Greenway Fish Surveys

May 2019

people with nets in creek

people with nets in creek
people with nets in boat on creek

UTSA 5K Diploma Dash

February 23, 2019

dash participants

Spring 2019 Graduate Seminars

Dr. Kenneth Ostrand

Dr. Kenneth Ostrand, United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Kristy Kollus

Kristy Kollus, Edwards Aquifer Authority

seminar audience

2019 Tuggle Scholars and Jefferson Scholars Events

faculty group

faculty group
faculty meeting

Dr. Tuggle and students


group meeting
people at table

NSF Group at the UTSA Faculty Lounge

August 2018




Carbon Sequestration Project along I-35

June – September 2018





In the Lab

Summer 2018


Torpedo Grass Project at C.L. Browning Ranch

May – September 2018


Aquatic Macrophyte Establishment in the San Antonio River

May – August 2018

people in river

people in river
people in river
people in river

Department Greenhouse

April – August 2018

Greenhouse completed in April

greenhouse interior

vehicle with plants
people watering plants

people and plants

Summer greenhouse activities


Lygodium japonicum Freeze Tolerance Study

March 2018

This is an ongoing study.



mcroscope screens

International Symposium on Aquatic Plants in Queenstown, New Zealand

February 23, 2018

Dr. Hutchinson
symposium items

UTSA College of Sciences Research Conference

October 6, 2017

Dr. Hutchinson and Sarah Gorton

Dr. Hutchinson and Susanna Harrison

Devils River Trip

July 28, 2017

cars on road

people at river bank


person on river

person on river

person with fish

Setting Bat Detector at Cibolo Preserve

May 2017

Sarah Gorton setting up an acoustic bat detector in grassland habitat and downloading data.

acoustic bat detector

downloading data

European Pest Plant Organization Workshop

March 2017

The workshop on Lygodium japonicum and Humulus scandens was held in Paris, France.


Preparing NSF Grant Submission

December 2016

Working on an NSF grant submission in the faculty lounge at UTSA.
(left to right: Dr. Kenneth Walker, Dr. Juliet Ray, and Dr. Amaury Ray)

people discussiing

Surveying Texas Wild Rice Populations in the San Marcos River

June 2016

people in river