• Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) ecology in ephemeral creeks
  • Assessment of biofilms in Texas Hill Country ephemeral and perennial rivers
  • Biological organism utilization of pools in ephemeral streams of Central Texas
  • Carbon sequestration by soil and plants in the terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic habitat continuum
  • Carbon sequestration in ephemeral creek beds in semi-arid locations
  • Carbon sequestration of roadside vegetation and soils
  • Carbon sequestration within the hyporheic zone of ephemeral creek beds in semi-arid locations
  • CO2 uptake by aquatic macrophytes
  • Competition studies among native and non-native macrophytes (in and ex situ)
  • Effects of invertebrate shredders on nutrient breakdown in streams
  • Establishment of riparian and aquatic plants in Leon Creek Greenway
  • Evaluation of native sedges and grasses to suppress torpedo grass
  • General ecology of non-native forbs in the Texas Hill Country (Malta star thistle, Brazilian vervain, hedge parsley, and bastard cabbage)
  • Invasive species impacts and management in aquatic, riparian and terrestrial habitat
  • Movement of algae, zooplankton, and aquatic invertebrates among pools during flood events in Leon Creek
  • Optimizing the use of native vegetation for low impact development
  • Phenology of aquatic macrophytes in Central Texas rivers
  • Photosynthesis comparison of native and non-native analogous species
  • Roadside vegetation control of surface runoff and pollutants
  • Seasonal allochthonous input into ephemeral pools
  • Seasonal trends in algae distribution in ephemeral and standing waters
  • Structure and composition of vegetation in and along Leon Creek
  • Water quality analysis of storm water runoff in San Antonio
  • Water quality pre- and post-filtration through stormwater control structures
  • Zooplankton community composition in ephemeral pools of Leon Creek Greenway