The research interest in the group revolves around understanding various questions on aquatic and terrestrial plant ecology that include common and endangered species, invasive species, climate change, pollution, and water quality. My primary research interest is focused on the species and landscape of the Edwards Aquifer with an emphasis on aquatic macrophytes. More recently, I have begun to focus on ephemeral pools in Leon Creek Greenway with research projects on plants, algae, aquatic invertebrates, and fish.
I am interested in algae, macrophytes, and invertebrates as bioindicators of aquatic health, the effects of stormwater runoff on aquatic organisms, phenological plasticity in plants such as the endangered aquatic macrophyte Texas wild rice, floods and droughts, and the impacts of non-native species on aquatic and riparian structure and function.
The long range goal is to develop applied management techniques to improve stream and river health conditions that are applicable to real world situations in aquatic environments on a national and international level.
I strongly feel collaborative inter-disciplinary efforts are most effective in solving real world problems. Recently, I began a partnership with faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to examine carbon sequestration and pollution control using roadside vegetation and retention ponds. I am working with faculty in the Department of Biology, Health, and the Environment and other colleges at UTSA to develop an undergraduate and graduate program designed to provide incoming students with the tools and resources they need to succeed. We are focused on innovations in mentoring underrepresented students, writing-to-learn environmental science, and public science communication for environmental leaders.
Dr. Jeffrey T. Hutchinson
Office: FLN 4.02.56
Phone: 210-458-5396
Mail: University of Texas at San Antonio
College of Sciences - Biology, Health, and the Environment
One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249