1. Prime times are 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM on weekdays. All other times are considered non-prime times.
  2. Blocks of time are 10 minutes in length and users are only allowed to schedule three consecutive blocks on a given instrument (30 minutes total at one time) during prime time hours.
  3. When submitting more than five samples with Bruker sample changers, you must use the night queue.
  4. Using other group members' accounts to schedule multiple blocks simultaneously to obviate rule #2 is forbidden during both prime and non-prime times.
  5. Users may schedule a total of no more than one hour of instrument time during prime time each day.
  6. Users may not schedule multiple instruments simultaneously during prime hours.
  7. Users may only sign up for a total of two overnight experiments during the week on a single instrument unless permission is given otherwise.
  8. On weekends, users may sign up for a total of six consecutive blocks on a given instrument (60 minutes total at one time).

If you need to run longer experiment(s), contact Dr. Wherritt and we will set a time when the experiment(s) can be run.