Professional Development Workshop on Extreme Environments

June 20-21, 2022

CAMEE hosted a two-day teacher workshop to expand content knowledge on Extreme Environments.

Keynote Address: Dr. Araceli Martinez Ortiz

Dr. Araceli Martinez Ortiz

A Tour through the Wildland Fire

Jesse Slaten

Jesse Slaten

Dating the Earth: How to Tell Geologic Time

Dr. Alan Whittington

Dr. Alan Whittington

Radiometric Dating Activity

people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity

Hypersonics / Wind Tunnel

Dr. Christopher Combs

Dr. Christopher Combs

Wind Tunnel Lab

Wind Tunnel Lab

Oceans and Hurricanes

Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nuñez

Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nuñez

Christian Sustayta

Christian Sustayta: Sea Level Rise

Christian Sustayta

Christian Sustayta: Sea Level Rise

Karen Mendiondo, Jordyn Sloan, and Christian Sustayta

Karen Mendiondo, Jordyn Sloan, Christian Sustayta

Bouyancy Activity

people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity

Hurricane Modeling Activity

people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity
people doing workshop activity

Group Photos

workshop participants
workshop participants