Posted on November 1, 2022 by College of Sciences

Cindy Roberts

Cindy Roberts, M.S., Department of Mathematics

What did your journey to UTSA look like and are you fixed-term track or tenure track?
Down I-35 from graduating UT Austin (Hook'em) and FTT.

What do you enjoy most about your area of study?
Learning how to adapt math into areas that student can directly relate and see in their worlds.

It is incredible to see the "lightbulb" moment when a student recognizes content from my course in other courses for their major. They are excited to show me "Hey Miss Cindy look at these derivatives in Physics or area under the curve in Chemistry, etc."

What is your proudest moment with the COS?
Accepeting the Amber Award from a student that I gave a calculator to when he couldn't afford one. To someone else, that calculator is overlooked and dismissed as a staple but to him it meant the world and got him through his studies and he graduated from UTSA.

The fact that he felt so moved and supported by my encouragement was profound.

Can you share with me a little about how you adapted to remote learning and the strategies you employed to be successful?
When we went remote, I added an arsenal of "fun"activities such as Stranger Things Escape Rooms, Escape the Campus, Zoom Themes, etc.

Providing student driven engaging activities allowed me to create a safe and low stakes environment where students are learning the material but encouraged to actively participate.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
Making connections and finding activities that engage student learning. Also, giving students a "safe place" whether in office (social) hours or even in online chatrooms.

I believe that a student's journey should be one of exploration and questioning. I encourage them to find their own path and help them be successful regardless of background or previous hardships.

How would you spend your ideal Saturday?
If Fall, watching Texas Longhorns, otherwise, probably working on new ideas for my courses.

I consistently talk with past and current students to better understand how they interact with the world and find ways to improve their overall experiences while attending UTSA.

What are your book recommendations?
Tuesdays with Morrie

— College of Sciences
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