Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022: virtual • February 24-March 4, 2022

  • Stephen Ackley
    Antarctic Boundary Conditions on the Oxygen Solubility Pump in the Ross Sea

53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: The Woodlands, Texas • March 7-11, 2022

  • Lauren Schwartz
    Relating Small-Scale Texture of Basaltic Lava Flows to Thermal Inertia

CAMEE Student Research Spring Showcase: San Antonio, Texas • March 11, 2022

  • Gina Josef
    Identifying Key Relationships between Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Wind Speed, Temperature, Cloud, and Surface Radiation Features in the Central Arctic during the MOSAiC Expedition
  • Karen Mendiondo
    Geostrophic and Ageostrophic Components of Ocean Currents from Underwater Glider Observations
  • Iyare Oseghae
    Vegetation Analysis and Classification of Wildfire Regions Using Hyperspectral Imaging and FIREX-AQ Observations
  • Christian Sustayta
    In-Situ Measurements of Methane Hydrates by Autonomous Buoyancy Gliders
  • Jullian Williams
    Lead Detection with Sentinel-1 in the Beaufort Gyre Using Google Earth Engine

56th Annual Meeting of the GSA South-Central Section: virtual • March 14-15, 2022

  • Thomas Nordstrand
    Characterization of Large Hailstone Growth Using Stable Isotopes

2022 AIAA Region IV Student Conference: San Antonio, Texas • April 1-2, 2022

  • Angelina Andrade
    Boundary Layer Velocity Measurements in a Mach 7 Wind Tunnel Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry
  • Valeria Delgado
    Pressure-Sensitive Paint Measurements of a Hypersonic Vehicle

¡Viva Science! SA: San Antonio, Texas • April 9, 2022

  • Mansi Joshi
    Supraglacial Lakes in Antarctica
  • Jullian Williams
    Lead Detection with Sentinel-1 in the Beaufort Gyre Using Google Earth Engine

EPS Earth Day Research Poster Competition: San Antonio, Texas • April 22, 2022

  • Karen Mendiondo
    Comparing Modeled Ocean Currents to Underwater Glider Observations

International MOSAiC Science Conference/Workshop 2022: Potsdam, Germany • April 25-29, 2022

  • Gina Josef
    Testing the Efficacy of Several Automated Methods for Identifying Atmospheric Boundary Layer Heights Using Data Collected by sUAS during MOSAIC

BEPSII Sea-Ice School 2022: CHARS Station, Cambridge Bay, Canada • May 14-23, 2022

  • Mansi Joshi
    Supraglacial Lakes and Water Depth in Antarctica
  • Jullian Williams
    Lead Detection with Sentinel-1 in the Beaufort Gyre Using Google Earth Engine

EGU General Assembly 2022: Vienna, Austria • May 23-27, 2022

  • Stephen Ackley
    Spatiotemporal Evolution of Snow Depth Distribution on Antarctic Sea Ice

26th IAHR International Symposium on Ice: Montréal, Canada • June 19-23, 2022

  • Stephen Ackley
    Winds, Waves and Ice Formation in a Coastal Polynya

AGU Fall Meeting 2022: Chicago, Illinois • December 12-16, 2022

  • Jordyn Sloan
    The Magnitude of the Hurricane Harvey (2017) Freshening Anomaly in the Western Gulf of Mexico
  • Christian Sustayta
    Inverse Calculation of Glider-based Absolute Geostrophic Currents in the Gulf of Mexico

International Glaciological Society Global Seminar Series: virtual • March 3, 2021

  • Jullian Williams
    Sea Ice Lead Detection in the Arctic

2021 AIAA AVIATION Forum: virtual • August 2-6, 2021

  • Daniel Brun
    Use of Quadcopter UAV Multirotor for ABL Wind and Temperature Measurements

Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2021: virtual • August 10-12, 2021

  • Daniel Brun
    Plume Chamber Studies to Characterize Turbulent Buoyant Plumes
  • Victor Martinez
    Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of the Flow around a Propeller Blade of Multirotor Unmanned Aerodynamic Vehicle
  • Thanh Tran
    The Four Stage of Turbulent Thermal Plumes

74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics APS-DFD: Phoenix, Arizona • November 21-23, 2021

AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, Louisiana • December 13-17, 2021

100th American Meteorological Society Meeting: Boston, Massachusetts • January 12-16, 2020

  • Kiran Bhaganagar and Sudheer Bhimireddy
    New Implementation of Buoyant Transport and Dispersion in Weather Research & Forecast's Large-Eddy Simulation Framework
  • Kiran Bhaganagar and Rajitha Mekha
    A Deep Learning Framework for Forecasting Power in a Full-Scale Wind Farm

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020: San Diego, California • February 17-21, 2020

PARCA 2020, NESOSI, Operation IceBridge Science Team & ICESat-2 for Newcomers: Green Belt, Maryland • February 20-21, 2020

  • Hongjie Xie and YoungHyun Koo
    Spatial Representativeness of ICESat-2 Freeboard Products in Canadian Arctic Region

CAMEE Inaugural Extreme Environments Conference: virtual • August 20, 2020

  • Nii Nmashie Adjei and Haylie Schulmeier
    The Use of Satellite Data to Predict Sea Ice Cover in the Polar Regions
  • Nii Nmashie Adjei and Haylie Schulmeier
    The Use of Satellite Data to Predict Sea Ice Cover in the Polar Regions
  • Raul Flores
    Improving Best Management Practices for Sensitive Karst Features on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
  • Marcelina Garcia
    Visualization of COVID-19 and the World
  • Jacob Lyda
    Introduction to Supervised Learning: Linear Regression Analysis
  • Andre Michon
    Satellite Remote Sensing of Extreme Snowpack Melting on Eagle Island, Antarctica
  • David Perez
    Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Metallic Energy Potentials
  • Lyann Serrano
    Buckling Analysis of Hexachiral Structure for use in Materials at NASA
  • Alejandro Zarate
    Portable Modular Wind Sensing Technology
  • Eugene Hoffman
    Overview of UTSA's Mach 7 Ludwieg Tube Wind Tunnel
  • Jose Rodriguez
    Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction (SWBLI) Experiments in the NASA LaRC 31-Inch Mach 10 Wind Tunnel
  • Gina Jozef
    Observations of Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for MOSAiC
  • Elina Valkonen
    Arctic Cyclones and Their Interactions with Declining Sea Ice
  • Daniel Brun
    Tip Vortex Generation Analysis of a Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Accurate Atmospheric Boundary Layers Measurements
  • Jesse Slaten
    Turbulent Entrainment of Heated Buoyant Starting Plumes in a Neutral Atmosphere
  • Karen Mendiondo
    Processing Ocean Current Velocity Observations from the SeaExplorer Underwater Glider: Relevance, Challenges, and Solutions
  • Christian Sustayta
    Comparison of Geostrophic Current Estimations from Buoyancy Gliders and Satellite Altimetry
  • Elizabeth Hebel
    Evaluating Ice Production of Ross Ice Shelf and Terra Nova Bay Polynyas during 2019 using Sentinel-1 SAR Images and ICESat-2 Data
  • YoungHyun Koo
    Temporal Variations of CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard around SIMBA Buoys of MOSAiC Expedition

UTSA Earth Symposium: virtual • September 4, 2020

  • Crystal Moreland
    Oceanic Mixed Layer Depth and Subsurface Chlorophyll from Glider Observations
  • Ashley Aguilar
    Estimating Rainfall in Central Mexico Associated with the Passage of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones
  • Jaydne Blomfield
    The Impact of COVID-19 throughout Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas
  • YoungHyun Koo
    Recent Trend of Ice Thickness over Ross Sea from ICESat-2
  • Karen Mendiondo
    Glider-Based Ocean Current Velocity Observations: Data Processing and Applications
  • Jullian Williams
    Changes in Atmospheric Aerosols before and after the COVID-19 Global Shutdown
  • Michael McMahan
    Improving Best Management Practices for Sensitive Karst Features on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone
  • Rodolfo Fernandez
    Satellite Salinity Imaging Depicts Deceleration in Gulf Stream Current during Hurricane Dorian, 2019
  • Elizabeth Hebel
    Evaluating Ice Production of Ross Ice Shelf and Terra Nova Bay Polynyas during 2019 Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images and ICESat-2 Data
  • André Michon
    Satellite Remote Sensing of Snowpack Variability on Eagle Island, Antarctica
  • Christian Sustayta
    Comparisons of Geostrophic Current Observations from Buoyancy Gliders and Satellite Altimetry

2020 AGU Fall Meeting: virtual • December 1-17, 2020

NAWEA/WindTech 2019 Conference: Amherst, Massachusetts • October 14-16, 2019

  • Kiran Bhaganagar
    Machine Learning Approach Towards Short Term Forecasting of Wind Turbine Power Production

72nd Annual Physics Society Division of Fluid Dynamics: Seattle, Washington • November 23-26, 2019

  • Sudheer Bhimireddy
    Turbulent Mixing and Entrainment in a Buoyancy Driven Continuous Thermal Plume Using Large-Eddy Simulations
  • Daniel Brun
    Plume Chamber Studies to Characterize Turbulent Buoyant Plumes Using Multiple Sensors

2019 AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, California • December 9-13, 2019