Date Time Location Event
Feb 9 5:50 pm –
7:30 pm
Meadow Village Elementary School CAMEE participating in STEM Night at Meadow Village Elementary School
Feb 25 12 pm –
4 pm
Witte Museum CAMEE is a community partner of the Engineer It! event at the Witte Museum
Mar 7 5:30 pm –
7 pm
Fields Elementary School CAMEE participating in STEM Night at Fields Elementary School
Mar 24 1 pm –
4 pm
UTSA CAMEE Spring Showcase 3MT Competition
Mar 28 5:30 pm –
7 pm
Passmore Elementary School CAMEE participating in STEM Night at Passmore Elementary School
Mar 31   Elrod Elementary School CAMEE students visit Elrod Elementary School
Apr 1 9 am –
5 pm
Witte Museum CAMEE table and posters at ¡Viva Science! SA
Apr 14   Gonzalez Elementary School CAMEE students visit Gonzalez Elementary School
Jun 5-6 9 am –
4 pm
BSE 2.102
K-12 Teacher Workshop
Professional Development Workshop on Extreme Environments
Jun 16 9:30 am –
11:30 am
UTSA CAMEE lab tour for the NISD STEM Sisters Summer Camp
Jun 26-30 8 am –
4 pm
virtual High School Student Summer Camp
Python Coding Academy
Sep 12 5:30 pm –
7 pm
Fields Elementary School CAMEE participating in STEM Night at Fields Elementary School
Oct 14 1 pm –
4 pm
Witte Museum CAMEE table at Witte Museum "Last Contact" Eclipse Event
Nov 4 9 am –
1 pm
UTSA East Campus parking lot CAMEE faculty, staff, and students participate in this year's UTSA Pumpkin Smash, a STEM community outreach event hosted by UTSA's engineering and science colleges
Nov 15-16   San Jose, CA CAMEE Director, Christopher Combs, and Coordinator, Krystal Peralez, attend the NASA Better Together Conference

Date Time Location Event
Mar 2 5 pm –
7 pm
Boeing CAMEE table and drone demonstration at the San Antonio Aviation & Aerospace Hall of Fame STEM Expo
Mar 4 9 am –
12 pm
UTSA CAMEE table and LiDAR (Mars) Rover demonstration at the UTSA Engineering Week Org Fair
Mar 11 1:30 pm –
5 pm
BSB 3.03.02
CAMEE Student Research Spring Showcase
2022 showcase flyer
Mar 22 10:30 am –
4 pm
Port San Antonio CAMEE members invited to tour Port San Antonio labs and facilities
Mar 25   Vineyard Ranch Elementary School CAMEE students Jesse Slaten and Ishan Bhattarai visit Vineyard Ranch Elementary School
Apr 1   Vineyard Ranch Elementary School CAMEE students Aubrey Fuchs, Mansi Joshi, and Daniel Brun visit Vineyard Ranch Elementary School
Apr 2 10 am –
6 pm
Port San Antonio CAMEE table at Fiesta De Los Niños
Apr 9 9 am –
3 pm
Witte Museum CAMEE table and posters at ¡Viva Science! SA
Apr 15 2 pm –
5 pm
BSB 2.03.02
CAMEE Women in STEM Day
Apr 22-24   UT Arlington Dr. Christopher Combs is a presenter at NASA in Your Neighborhood!
Jun 17 9:30 am –
11:30 am
UTSA CAMEE lab tour for the NISD STEM Sisters Summer Camp
Jun 20-21 9 am –
4 pm
BSE 2.102
K-12 Teacher Workshop
Professional Development Workshop on Extreme Environments
Jun 27-Jul 1 8 am –
4 pm
virtual High School Student Summer Camp
Python Coding Academy
Aug 26 12 pm –
3:30 pm
BSE 2.102
CAMEE Conference
3rd Annual Extreme Environments Conference
Oct 14   Fisher Elementary School CAMEE students Jordyn Sloan and Jullian Williams visit Fisher Elementary School
Oct 15 11 am –
3 pm
SEB Makerspace
CAMEE participating in the UTSA Day KCEID Fair
Nov 5 9 am –
1 pm
UTSA East Campus parking lot CAMEE participating in the KCEID Monster Mash Pumpkin Smash
Nov 15   Hatchett Elementary School CAMEE student Mansi Joshi visits Hatchett Elementary School
Dec 7 5:30 pm –
7 pm
Carnahan Elementary School CAMEE participating in STEAM Night at Carnahan Elementary School

Date Time Location Event
Oct 2020-
Apr 2021
    NASA Student Launch 2020-2021
Jan 11-15
Jan 19-21
  virtual Dr. Christopher Combs is the Aerodynamic Measurement Technology lead for the virtual 2021 AIAA SciTech Forum and will present a special session/panel at the conference entitled "Highlighting Women in AMT."
Mar 5 9 am –
12 pm
virtual CAMEE Student Research Spring Showcase
hosted by Drs. Chang Hsin Chen and Grant Macdonald
2021 showcase flyer | 2021 showcase guidelines | 2021 showcase template | 2021 showcase agenda | 2021 showcase posters
Mar 18-19   virtual CAMEE Core Management Team attending the NASA STEM Better Together for Stakeholder Success Conference
Apr 16 12 pm –
1 pm
virtual Table Talk
Wildland Fire Smoke Research - Emissions, Transport, and Impacts
Dr. Shawn Urbanski, U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Apr 16 Table Talk video
Apr 23 12 pm –
1 pm
virtual Table Talk
The Data You Know (or Thought You Knew)
Dr. David Weise, U.S. Forest Service
Apr 23 Table Talk video | Apr 23 Table Talk presentation
Jun 21-22 9 am –
4 pm
virtual K-12 Teacher Workshop
Professional Development Workshop on Extreme Environments
Jul 12-16 8 am –
4 pm
virtual High School Student Summer Camp
Python Coding Academy: Introduction to Python
Jul 26-30 8 am –
4 pm
virtual High School Student Summer Camp
Python Coding Academy: Intermediate Level Python
Aug 19 10 am –
4:30 pm
virtual CAMEE Conference
2nd Annual Extreme Environments Conference
Sep 3 12:30 pm –
1:30 pm
virtual Student Lunchtime Talk Series Introduction
Oct 19-21   virtual Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar giving Keynote Speech "Extreme Computing and Extreme Events in the Environment" at the IXPUG Annual Conference 2021
Oct 26 6:30 pm –
8 pm
virtual Stephen Ackley giving seminar "Antarctic Sea Ice and Ice Sheet Changes: Implications beyond the polar regions" at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers San Antonio section meeting
Nov 6 9 am –
1 pm
UTSA East Campus parking lot Dr. Alan Whittington hosting the CAMEE Rheology table where participants can make their own soda volcano at CEID's Monster Mash Pumpkin Smash
Nov 9-10   UTSA NASA Site Visit
Dec 7 12 pm –
1 pm
virtual Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nunez serving on the NOW Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds (FLOW) Panel discussing career paths, funding opportunities, and experience working at an academic institution.
Dec 9 9 am –
6 pm
virtual Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar giving invited talk on the "UTSA WRF-LES-bplume model for WildFires" at the USFS NOAA Fire Weather Research MOU WG Meeting.
(WG includes representatives from NASA, NOAA, NCAR, and University partners)

Date Time Location Event
Feb 20 6 pm –
8 pm
San Antonio, TX Tales from Antarctica: Research and Discovery at the Bottom of the World
Steve Ackley, UTSA
Jun 1-
Jul 31
  virtual High School Summer Research Internship
SEES Mosquito Mapper
Jun 15-19   UTSA
High School Student Summer Camp
ROADS on Mars Student Challenge
Aug 5-6 10 am –
3 pm
virtual K-12 Teacher Workshop
Professional Development Workshop on Extreme Environments
Aug 20 9:45 am –
4 pm
virtual CAMEE Conference
Inaugural Extreme Environments Conference
Sep 17-
Oct 22
12 pm –
1 pm
virtual Weekly Lecture Series
Climate Change in Extreme Environments
Sep 30     Dr. Christopher Combs talks about CAMEE's hypersonics work at UTSA in Airplane Geeks podcast
Oct 2020-
Apr 2021
    NASA Student Launch 2020-2021
Oct 20 9 am –
5 pm
virtual NASA Site Visit
Nov 6 1 pm –
2 pm
virtual Table Talk
Enrolling and Retaining Underrepresented Minority Populations in STEM
Dr. Tomeka Wilson, St. Philips College, and Dr. Shani Newton, Clark State Community College-Greene Center
Nov 6 Table Talk video
Nov 18-19   virtual CAMEE Core Management Team attending the NASA HBCU/MSI Technology Infusion Road Tour
Nov 30 1 pm –
2 pm
  Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nuñez invited by the University of Buenos Aires to give a talk (in Spanish) about the Ocean Science Lab at UTSA in a live YouTube broadcast
Dec 1-17   virtual Dr. Hongjie Xie giving a poster presentation and co-chairing two sessions at the 2020 AGU Fall Meeting

Date Time Location Event
Sep 20 12 pm –
1 pm
FLN 4.02.08P
Brown Bag Lunch Discussion
An overview of the 2019 Sea Ice Symposium
Steve Ackley, Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nuñez, and Dr. Hongjie Xie, UTSA
Oct 18 12 pm –
1 pm
FLN 4.02.08P
Brown Bag Lunch Discussion
Coal: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Robert Finkelman, University of Texas at Dallas
Oct 31   UT Austin Group Presentations at the Texas Space Grant Consortium
Nov 6 8:30 am –
12:15 pm
Austin, TX Dr. Christopher Combs speaking at SpaceATX: Space the Next Frontier: Exploring Space, Travel and Colonization
Dec 5 12 pm –
1 pm
FLN 4.02.08P
Brown Bag Lunch Discussion
Parallel Computation over Geospatial Datasets
Dr. Sushil Prasad, UTSA