3rd Annual Extreme Environments Conference
August 26, 2022 | 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm | BSE 2.102


Time Activity
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Student Poster Presentations
  • Arianna Acosta
    Learned Image Compression for Sentinel-2 Satellite Optical Imagery in the Polar Region
  • Daniela Bartels
    Synthesis and Characterization of Alumina Oxides as Star Dust Analogs
  • Christopher Campbell
    The Presence of Microplastics in Hailstone in the Greater San Antonio Area
  • Erika Dyer
    Change Analysis in Urban Heat Island Surface Temperatures for San Antonio, Texas from 2013-2018
  • Sofia Gutierrez Tangarife
    Background Subtraction, Image Realignment and Fourier Transformation for Pressure Sensitive Paint Analysis
  • Melvin Hernandez
    Using MATLAB to Reduce LiDAR Data to Hazard Map for Autonomous Navigation of Lunar Rovers
  • Joshua Le
    Augmented Reality Visualization for Lorenz Attractor
  • Austin Patridge
    Thermal, Chemical, and Rheological Analysis of Lunar Highland Simulants
  • Mark Reyna
    3D Printing Fundamentals, Use Cases, and Advanced Techniques
  • Haven Russell
    Design and Construction of a Vertical Hybrid Thruster Testing and Measurement Stand
  • Jordyn Sloan
    Origin of the Hurricane Harvey (2017) Freshening Anomaly in the Western Gulf of Mexico
  • Cheyenne Wilson
    In-Situ Resource Utilization Using Perchlorate Brines on Mars
  • Jordana Masuma Iqrah
    Segmentation of Sea Ice and Open Water Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Optical Imagery in the Polar Regions
  • Jullian Williams and Mansi Joshi
    Sea Ice Observations in Nunavut, NWT, Canada
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Student Presentations
  • Angelina Andrade
    Velocity Measurements in Hypersonic Flow Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry
  • Ishan Bhattarai
    Simulation of Turbulent Density Currents over Rough Surfaces
  • Ashley Emerson
    Calorimetric Determination of Lava Crystallinity: the Fissure 17 Flow, Kilauea 2018
  • Iyare Oseghae
    Understanding the Role of Environmental Metrics Affecting Wildfire Vegetation Burn Severity
  • Kevin Posladek
    Applying Air Data to a Neural Network for Instrumentation Calibration
  • Thanh Tran
    Aerosols Plume Height Retrieval of FIREX-AQ AirMSPI Data Using Stereoscopic Imaging
Doctoral (Earth and Planetary Science)
  • Mckenzie Dice
    Comparison of Boundary Layer Stability and Forcings: McMurdo Station and Dome Concordia Station, Antarctica
  • Karen Mendiondo
    Investigating Essential Ocean Variables Using the SeaExplorer Underwater Glider
  • Thomas Nordstrand
    Comprehensive Characterization of Inorganic Chemical Constituents and Dissolved Organic Matter in Large Hailstones from South-Central Texas
  • Jullian Williams
    Detection of Sea Ice Floe Flooding in the Amundsen Sea Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Invited Keynote Presentation
Gui Paniagua, Ph.D., Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Malvinas Current at 44.7°S: First Assessment of Velocity Temporal Variability from In Situ Data
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Student Presentations
Doctoral (Engineering)
  • Protik Banerjee
    Influence of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry on Soil Phosphorus Mobilization
  • Eugene Hoffman
    Analysis of Distributed Roughness Effects on Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interactions Using Non-Intrusive Diagnostics
  • Elijah LaLonde
    Sensitivity Characterization and Optimization of a Self-Aligning Focusing Schlieren System
  • Juan Sebastian Rincon Tabares
    Fast Sensitivity Analysis and UQ Method for Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Using Hypercomplex Finite Element Method
  • Jesse Slaten
    Investigations and Intercomparisons of 2019 Williams Flats Wildfire Plume Smoke Forecasts in the Convective Boundary Layer Using WRF-LES-bPlume
Doctoral (Earth and Planetary Science)
  • Brenna Halverson
    Bubble Interactions in the Ahu'aila'au Flow of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption: Implications for Bubble and Rheological Evolution
  • Gina Josef
    Linking Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure and Stability in the Central Arctic during MOSAiC to Thermodynamic and Dynamic Features
  • Mansi Joshi
    Variations in Sea Ice Thickness over Weddell Sea for 2019-2020 Using ICESat-2
  • Andrea Mazzeo
    Thermal Properties of Picrite Analogue: Implications for Martian Lava Flows
  • Lauren Schwartz
    Relating Thermal Inertia of Basaltic Lava Flows to their Texture
  • Christian Sustayta
    Glider-Based Estimation of Geostrophic Currents and Transports in the Gulf of Mexico

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 conference has been reduced to one day and will occur virtually.

2nd Annual Extreme Environments Conference
August 19, 2021 | 10:00 am - 4:30 pm


Time Activity
9:45 am - 10:00 am Main Room Opens
10:00 am - 10:05 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dr. Grant Macdonald and Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar
10:10 am - 11:05 am Student Presentations
  • Karen Mendiondo
    Validating Ocean Current Velocities Measured by a Glider-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in the Mediterranean Sea
  • Angie De La Cruz
    Presence of Microplastics in Hailstones
  • Zach Riddle
    A 3D Printing Approach to Creating a Mars Rover
  • Thomas E. Nordstrand
    Characterization of Large Hailstone Growth Using Stable Isotope
  • Gina Jozef
    Testing the Efficacy of Several Automated Methods for Identifying Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Using Data Collected by sUAS during MOSAiC
  • Eugene Hoffman
    The UTSA Mach 7 Ludwieg Tube Wind Tunnel
  • Joshua Le
    Object Detection Algorithm Using 3-D LIDAR Data Subject to Turbulent Wind and Ocean Condition
  • Hazem Mahmoud
    2020 Wildfire Plumes Observed by Satellite and Ground Sensors at San Francisco Bay
  • Desiree Arbizu
11:05 am - 11:40 am Student Breakout Rooms
11:40 am - 12:30 pm Student Presentations
  • Vincente Flores
    Enabling Spatial Resolved Laser-Based Measurements in Reacting Flows
  • Ta'Lya Brooks
    Analysis of TIE-Fighter at Mach-7 Flight
  • Ishan Bhattarai
    Effect of Roughness in Entrainment
  • Protik Banerjee
    Role of Organic Matter in Mobilization of Phosphorus in Tallgrass Prairie Soil
  • Christian A. Sustayta
    Ocean Currents from a Buoyancy Glider and from a Satellite-Based Ocean Current Analysis
  • Pratik Mitra
    Computation of Rough Wall-Bounded Turbulence over Unsteady Channel Flow
  • Jullian Williams
    Lead Detection with Sentinel-1 in the Beaufort Gyre Using Google Earth Engine
  • Chrishall Armstrong
    Assessment of Water Quality in Upper San Antonio River
12:30 pm - 1:25 pm Lunch Break
1:25 pm - 1:30 pm Welcome Back
1:30 pm - 2:10 pm Invited Keynote Presentation
Dr. Gary Jedlovec, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA Earth Science: A View from the Inside
2:10 pm - 3:00 pm Student Presentations
  • Steve Lara
    Aerodynamics and Design of the SR-72
  • Crystal Moreland
    Detecting Coastal Ocean Freshening from High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Fields
  • Juan Carrasco
    Developing a Test Setup to Study Wave Propagation in Periodic Material
  • Raj Patel
    The UTSA Small-Scale Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Power Plant
  • Elijah LaLonde
    The Development of Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence Measurements for Light Gas Gun Facilities
  • Thanh Tran
    Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Turbulent Buoyant Plumes
  • Daniel Brun
  • Valeria Delgado
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Student Breakout Rooms
3:30 pm - 3:35 pm Break
3:35 pm - 4:25 pm Student Presentations
  • Iyare Oseghae
    Predicting Mineral Abundance and Vegetation Fractional Coverage Using Machine Learning
  • Jesse Slaten
    Buoyancy Effects on Entrainment of Turbulent Plumes: Implications to Wildland Fire Using WRF-LES with Buoyancy Formulation
  • Elina Valkonen
    Arctic Cyclones and Sea Ice in an Ensemble of CMIP6 Models
  • Emily Pressler
    Retrieving and Plotting Data with Python
  • Nicholas Tkatchuk
    Evolution of Supraglacial Lakes on Nansen Ice Shelf from 2018 to 2021
  • Bianca Reusch
    Data Modeling - Converting wrfout to MatLab Files
  • Jaylin Wilson
    Machine Learning and Data Testing
  • Ashley Aguilar
4:25 pm - 4:30 pm Closing Remarks
Dr. Kiran Bhaganagar

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 conference has been reduced to one day and will occur virtually.

Inaugural Extreme Environments Conference
August 20, 2020 | 9:45 am - 4:00 pm


Time Activity
9:45 am - 10:00 am Meet & Greet and Morning Session Instructions
10:00 am - 10:05 am Welcome
Dr. Hongjie Xie
10:05 am - 10:40 am Keynote Presentation
Dr. Siva Prasad Gogineni, University of Alabama and Chair of CAMEE External Advisory Committee
Ultrawideband (UWB) Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) Radars for Mapping of Lunar Lava Tubes
10:45 am - 12:05 pm Presentations: Alamo Colleges CAMEE Student Interns
see student presentations guide
12:05 pm - 12:45 pm Lunch Break
12:45 pm - 1:00 pm Presentation: UTSA Undergraduate Mars Rover Team
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Research Focus Area Presentations: CAMEE Students
  • Research Focus Area 1: Aerodynamics
  • Research Focus Area 2: Atmospheric Science and Extreme Events
  • Research Focus Area 3: Modeling, Simulation, and Big Data
  • Research Focus Area 4: Gulf of Mexico and Polar Oceans
  • Research Focus Area 5: Polar Sea Ice and Sea Level Rise
see student presentations guide
3:35 pm - 3:50 pm BIG IDEA Presentations
Dr. Sonya Legg, Dr. Donald Perovich, and Dr. Marilyn Raphael
3:50 pm - 4:00 pm Acknowledgments and Closing Remarks
Dr. David Silva, UTSA College of Sciences Dean and UTSA Oversight of CAMEE

Morning Session

Afternoon Session